Workshop: Getting Started With Your PhD

3-4 June 2024, On-Site (Room TBA)

Writing a doctoral thesis is challenging! But if you take a smart approach early on, you are likely to reach your objectives faster and achieve superior results. This workshop focuses on the critical elements for a successful doctoral journey: Which mindsets, tools, and processes make a real difference on the way to a PhD?

We concentrate on three areas: The efficient organization of tasks and notes, the productive communication with supervisors and the research community, and the structured reading and writing of academic papers. In each area, we will reflect on effective mindsets, tools, and workflows. The goal is for each participant to take away at least three specific ideas on how to substantially improve their own approach.

Major topics:

  • Basics of project management
  • Efficient time management and self-motivation
  • Managing the relationship to your supervisor
  • Tools and methods for effective research

Trainer: Dr. Daniel Friedrich is expert for project and self-management. After stops in Berlin, Oxford, and Canberra, he arrived as a post-doc researcher at the interdisciplinary Berlin School of Mind and Brain. He gathered experience as a founder, gave courses in his role as Teach First Fellow and worked as a data scientist for the biggest German portal for teaching materials. Since 2019, he is also working as a freelance trainer.


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