Workshop: Good Science Practice

Wednesday, 16 October 2023, online

Often times for all the wrong reasons, the issue of good science practice has been a topic of heated debate in recent years. One of the positive consequences of these developments was the publication of the DFG Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Research Practice in 2019, prompting all major German universities to adopt guidelines of their own.

According to the DFG, it is the obligation of every individual researcher to responsibly use the legally guaranteed freedom of science. To support doctoral researchers in fulfilling this obligation and to help them become familiarized with the broader topic, the CRC will hold regular workshops. The workshops cover broader ethical and legal guidelines. Additionally, they focus on focus on real-world issues to identify possible challenges and teach strategies enabling doctoral researchers to deal with them in an appropriate manner.


  • Basics of good scientific practice: The DFG recommendations
  • Plagiarism and paraphrase: Just a question of formulation?
  • Know your rights and duties!
  • Supervision, internet law and intellectual property law
  • Authorship, publication and documentation: A map for researchers
  • Competition or collaboration? When two researchers are working on the same topic …
  • What to do in situations of academic misconduct? The appropriate response to breaches and problems
  • Good scientific practice: My next steps

Trainer: Dr. Peter Schröder, Düsseldorf, is a biologist and IPMA-certified project manager. After working in the field of biomedical fundamental research and application-oriented development he became self-employed with “brain4hire” in 2011. He has authored numerous scientific publications, has a long-standing experience in teaching science and is an experienced trainer on soft skills.


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