Welcome to the CRC 1608 Convide
Modern cyber-physical systems (CPS) such as cars, airplanes, or smart home systems integrate computational processes with physical processes. These CPS comprise of many electronic, mechanical, and software-controlled components, posing difficult challenges for the design of such complex systems. Not only is there a need for modern CPS to be highly dependable, configurable, and flexible. At the same time, these systems can only function if all parts interact seamlessly. As a result, individual developers find it increasingly difficult to control the complexity of modern CPS, even at an abstract architectural level. For this reason, so-called “views” of the system – sub-models that are specific to the developer’s task – are used during development.
Since there exist manifold dependencies between these views, there is urgent need for novel consistency-maintaining methods in Advanced Systems Engineering. To meet these demands, the Collaborative Research Center “Consistency in the View-Based Development of Cyber-Physical Systems” (Convide) brings together researchers with a background in computer science, mechanical engineering, and electrical engineering from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Technical University Munich, Technical University Dresden, and the University of Mannheim. Together, they are developing methods that aim to shorten development cycles and update intervals as well as to improve the adaptability, reliability, and security of modern CPS.
Dr. Kevin Feichtinger has received the JKU Young Researchers Award for significant academic achievements. With the award, Johannes Kepler University Linz (JKU) puts the spotlight on dedicated scholars in the early stages of their academic careers. We congratulate him to this great success!
Learn moreOn 24/25 June 2024, Convide spokesperson Prof. Dr. Ralf Reussner and Working Group coordinator Dr. Kevin Feichtinger met with researchers at Johannes Kepler University Linz. The fruitful exchange will lay the groundwork for future collaborations between both Universities.
Learn moreThe supplementary proposal submitted by Jun.-Prof. Dr. Maike Schwammberger was granted by the DFG, resulting in the creation of the new project A06: Dynamic Consistency Management for Autonomous Traffic Agents.
Learn moreOn 13 June, 3:45 - 5:15 pm, Prof. Shriram Krishnamurthi (Brown University) will give the first talk as part of our new Convide Lecture Series. His talk is titled "The Human Factors of Formal Methods" and will be given in lecture hall -101 (online access is also provided).
Learn moreFrom 27-29 May 2024, more than fifty members of Convide assembled at Kloster Neustadt. Laying important ground work for the next years, participants defined the role, tasks, and goals of the CRC's two working groups and discussed preliminary results.
Learn moreIn April, Convide's Project C04 conducted a workshop with ten students, kicking off the practical collaboration between the CRC and the formula student KA-RaceIng team. The results of the workshop will be published at the 2024 ISPIM Innovation Conference.
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